Does It Matter?
This message includes a brief analysis of some popular misconceptions and controversies about the origins of Easter and the dates upon which it is celebrated, in particular in relation to a number of issues raised in by Alexander Hislop in his book The Two Babylons.
If you wish to explore these issues in greater depth we would recommend these three well researched articles from The Truth Snitch Blog.
Tony Francis
The history can take you a number of routes on the name, all from satan
It’s two things:
1. Constantine “replaces” biblical festivals deliberately. Such hatred of the Jews,God’s chosen
2. Why insult Jesus and the foundations of our faith using a satanic/demonic name?
It’s incredibly evil
Tony I think I can only suggest you read these three articles which examine the evidence in detail. If you are still not convinced then I think we will have to agree to differ. Yours in Christ Andy………